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Monitor Screen - CRT, LCD, LED

Monitor Screen - CRT, LCD, LED

One of the most important output devices in computer system is its screen commonly called monitor. It is an output device and displays all the programs and applications which are running on the computer system. A Monitor is the visual display unit of the computer system. It displays images generated from the video output. It displays images without keeping a permanent record.


A Graphic display is made up of a series of dots called ‘pixels’ (picture elements) whose pattern produces images in computer system. Each dot on the screen is defined as a separate unit which can be addressed separately. Since each dot on the screen can be controlled separately it gives greater flexibility in drawing pictures. The Number of dots per inch (dpi) is called the resolution of the screen and represents the quality of the computer system.


The resolution of a monitor means the number of pixels per inch appearing on its surface. In general, the greater the number of pixels the sharper is the images. Most modern monitors can display 1024 by 768 pixels. Some high-end models of computer monitors can display 1280 by 1024, or even 1600 by 1200 pixels. Even 3280 by 2048 resolution monitors are available for special purposes.


        1.    Cathode Ray Tube Monitors (CRT)

Monitors display what is going on in your computer. They can run at various resolutions. It is the part of computer which looks like a TV set. After typing the characters from the keyboard, we can see them on the monitor.

The main components of a CRT monitors are the electron gun, the electron beam controlled by an electromagnetic field and phosphor coated display screen. These older monitors are bulky and require a lot of space for installation.


In CRT monitors, the image is projected on the screen by directing the electron beam onto the computer screen. To precisely direct the electron beams, copper steering coils are used to create a magnetic field inside the tube. By applying varying voltages to the copper coils a beam can be positioned at any point on the screen.



        2.    Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD)

First introduced in watches and clocks in the1970’s, LCDs are now used to display images in monitors. A newer technology in computer screens is TFT LCD monitors. These are light weight monitors and are used in laptop computers. Active-matrix structure is used by most of the modern LCD monitors and television sets. In this technology, a matrix of thin-film transistors (TFT) is added to the polarizing and color filters. It enhances the display to make it look brighter and sharper. It can also produce much better images and have quicker response times.

These monitors are portable, reliable and consume less electricity. Images produced by these monitors are of better quality than that of old CRT monitors. The LCD monitors have very high resolution and emit less radiation than CRT monitors. The screen is also flicker free.

        3.    Light Emitting Diodes Monitors (LED)

Light Emitting Diodes (LED) is the latest technology which is being used now a days for making high-definition TV screens and monitors. It is a semi-conductor light source. In this technology diodes are used to light up the screen instead of liquid crystal Diodes.


LED is known as light emitting diode. It is an electronic device that lights up when electricity is passed through it. LEDs are usually red. They are good for displaying images because they can be relatively small, and they do not burn out. However, they require more power than LCD monitors. LED is light weight monitors and is used in laptop computers and in TV.


The Life of LED monitors is three times than that of LCD monitors and they have less warm up time than that of CRT or LCD monitors. These monitors require less space on the desk, less power consumption and have flicker free screen.

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